Exciting Renovations Update ( Gym Closed Sat 21st Oct – Tues 31st Oct incl)

Home / News / Exciting Renovations Update ( Gym Closed Sat 21st Oct – Tues 31st Oct incl)


(Gym Closed Saturday 21st October to Tuesday 31st October incl.)(Classes will re-commence on Wednesday 1st November)

Dear Parents & Gymnasts,

As you will be aware from your registration email we had mentioned that we hoped to do some renovation in the gym this term. This plan has moved very quickly & we are very excited to give you our latest update and share with you our exciting renovation plans.

In the gym we have reached capacity – in terms of equipment we can fit in and also gymnasts – so we have decided to increase the gym space by an additional 50% !! We are going to do this by taking down the wall at the far end of the gym and taking over the unit next door to us.

In order, for the work to be carried out in a safe manner we are going to have to close from Saturday 21st October to Tuesday 31st October incl. This is to ensure the builder can access the gym and take down the wall safely.

All classes will return to normal on Wednesday the 1st November

At this stage we hope to be able to use most of the gym – however the far side & pit area may still be out of action – but hopefully not for long.

Safety of our gymnasts is our utmost priority -if for any reason we feel it is necessary to prolong the closure & delay the re-commencing of classes we will do our utmost to give you as much notice as possible. Please keep an eye on our facebook & website for updates.

It might take a little bit of time before we have full use of the additional space but I am sure all our gymnasts will benefit hugely from this extra space going forward.

We would like to Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during the upcoming renovations.

Douglas Gymnastics Club  renovations